கர்த்தர் எனக்காக யாவையும் செய்து முடிப்பார்

சங்கீதம் 138:8

Online Holy Bible in Tamil

The Bible is a word of God. The Bible will teach about the truth of the holy spirit. The is always a mix in our life. The words of the Bible will recover our life from all our errors. Free bible Audio in Tamil, Include the significant aspects of faith in your life every day with audio and video podcasts. Rooted the beliefs of the Bile words in your life with our online audio podcast and scripture to evolve way into the church.

Our mission & vision

Our mission

In the busy world, people can read the Bible with an easy method of digital sources. The world is entering the digital and we all are progressing with that. So, most people don’t have a particular time to read the Bible to know the words of truth about what God said. We aim to explore that to everyone as in the digital method with an easy moving. Our Free Online Audio & Video podcasts, and Verse reading of the Bible will answer all our questions and travel with your journey.

Our vision

Our vision is to provide the ultimate guidance of Bible to everyone at everyday with the free Bible audio in Tamil. The God-spoken words will as listed in every region of the world. We help to know whatever God provide as long for us. We honor the God of Christ and build their words to the world. Now, you can intensify your prayer to walk into God’s words.

We believe in the Bible

Believe the taught in the Bible that God imitates you to love. Bible helps to discover your way with the new lamp. It keeps you away from your sin and the words of the Bible will renew your life. Everyone can agree that the words show the power of your hidden strength to overcome from you. Every reading of them is mandatory. Because it shows the aspect of your transformation with God’s comfort.

We hope in the Holy Trinity

Our Free Tamil Online Audio Podcast will help to reading the Bible allows receiving the truth of God’s word and wishes. The grace of the lord’s word communicates with you. Father of the lord of Jesus provides grace and peace until you. Like the word of the John1:1-1:51 – In the beginning, was the word, and the word was with God, and his Word was God.

We believe in the Blessed Hope

Believe in hope says that God teaches the lives self-esteem, self-control, and uprightness in the present day. Blessed hope means the glory of Jesus Christ and the great God and Savior. The belief hope says that it brings the joy experience of reveling the new hope in our life. Hope won’t spoil because God will sprinkle out the holy spirit from the heart.... The beliefs raise from the heart and end with the Lord. bible verse transform hope into reality

We believe in the Satisfaction

The Bible teaches how to find satisfaction in life. Life depends on satisfaction it will give pleasure and happiness. God says that set the goals in life and put the handwork to demonstrate your work and feel satisfied. Sometimes, the human mind and heart will not be satisfied, they will expect more and more. What we want to recognize means God... provide what we need in our life for the future and present happiness and joy. So, means God state about satisfaction – it’s self-satisfaction that will fulfil their needs and desires. Our souls are aware that whatever our needs or desires may be on Earth, they will soon be satisfied in eternity. In Psalm16:11 “you will fill me with joy in your presence, with external pleasure at your right hand.”